7 Tips for Staying Hydrated on the Road

7 Tips for Staying Hydrated on the Road

Now that summer has come to an end and the sweltering heat that was encouraging you to stay hydrated is behind you, we have to be more conscious about our hydration habits. Water makes up more than half of your body weight. It flushes out toxins, carries nutrients...
5 Tips to Speed Up Your Dot Transportation Driver Hiring Process

5 Tips to Speed Up Your Dot Transportation Driver Hiring Process

The process of getting hired at any company can be frustrating. Most of the time, no one tells you how you can make the process move a bit quicker. But, when you apply to drive for Dot Transportation, Inc. (DTI), there are five things you can do to help us move the...
What It’s Like: 6×3 Schedule With Dot Transportation

What It’s Like: 6×3 Schedule With Dot Transportation

We’re not here to sugar-coat the realities of being a professional truck driver—it’s hard work! But two of the ways we try to make it easier at Dot Transportation, Inc. (DTI) is through weekly home time and a wide variety of schedule options. One of the options...
Process Awareness: Cranking the Dolly & Fifth Wheel Pull

Process Awareness: Cranking the Dolly & Fifth Wheel Pull

Written by Nick Newell, Occupational Health Trainer At Dot Transportation, Inc. (DTI), safety is our number one priority. When we put processes in place, it is to ensure our employees will be put in a much safer position to perform their job duties. For this article,...
Veteran Spotlight: Philip Gainous

Veteran Spotlight: Philip Gainous

Growing up in Washington D.C. during the late 1980s and early 1990s had some significant challenges for a young person without any formal training or college education to find a career. Phil started his career search with The Friends of the National Zoo in 1992 after...